The Vision 2074 Strategy Office sets the long-term strategic goals of the Izmir Planning Agency and leads planning and development processes. As one of IZPA's key strategic outputs, the office outlines the city's 50-year roadmap through the Vision 2074 Framework Document, which was developed to address Izmir's multi-faceted urban challenges. The Vision 2074 Framework presents a comprehensive vision for Izmir based on the principles of green transition (sustainability), digital transition (technology) and social transition (participation) of Next Generation Municipalism, in line with the missions of Sustainable City-Region Ecosystem, Equitable and Balanced Development and Transformative Social Innovation.

Participatory Strategy Papers and Guidebooks
The Vision 2074 Strategy Office conducts participatory strategic planning activities through the identified stakeholder ecosystem. In addition to the Vision 2074 Framework Document, the Office provides a number of resources to guide other local governments wishing to prepare strategy documents. The Vision 2074 Bedside Book, the Vision 2074 Action Book and the Vision 2074 Good Practices Book provide guidance on strategic planning processes. In addition, it prepares strategy papers on key thematic issues such as urban thematic economic zones, affordable housing supply and access, tourism, agriculture, demography and urbanisation trends.
‘What kind of Izmir?’ Panel Series and Strategy Formulation Process
The preparation of the Vision 2074 Framework Document is shaped by a comprehensive understanding of participation and co-operation. This process involves the identification of key sectoral strategies, the development of alternative scenarios through an dynamic scenario-based planning methodology, citizen science applications, and the coordination of the visioning process and physical plans. The ‘What Kind of Izmir?’ panel series organised by the Vision 2074 Strategy Office is an important participatory process that aims to generate strategies for the future of Izmir. In this way, the Vision 2074 Strategy Office provides a strategic roadmap to build a sustainable, equitable and innovative future for Izmir and an unprecedented adaptive planning approach for Izmir.
Exploratory Scenario Approach
The office uses an dynamic scenario-based planning methodology to create multiple scenarios to address the multiple crises that may arise in Izmir's 50-year vision, ensuring that urban development remains adaptive and resilient. Using innovative methods such as scenario design competitions and citizen science practices, it is conducting a process that encourages the participation of the city's stakeholders. This participatory and adaptive planning model ensures that strategic goals and action plans are approached from a broad perspective. In addition to two-dimensional strategic spatial plans, three-dimensional modelling and visualisation at the urban design scale are preferred to communicate the exploratory scenarios developed for the missions, basic strategies and goals in the Vision 2074 framework document preparation process in the most understandable way to professional groups and the public outside the planning and design disciplines.
Coordination with Strategic and Spatial Plans
The Vision 2074 Framework Document provides guidance for Izmir Metropolitan Municipality's five-year strategic plans and the 1/25,000 scale Izmir Master Plan and Revision (2024-2054), which will steer the long-term development of the city. In this context, Vision 2074 is positioned at the top of Izmir's planning hierarchy, offering a strategic framework for the city's future. The offices within the IZPA ecosystem collaborate to develop the vision document through a participatory process that encompasses the entire city of Izmir and its pilot implementation areas.
Main Functions and Objectives of the Vision 2074 Strategy Office
Strategic Vision Generation and Exploratory Scenario Approach: Through an dynamic scenario-based planning methodology, the office develops multifaceted scenarios to overcome potential crises within the 50-year vision and aims to ensure that urban development remains adaptive and resilient.
Integration of Spatial Plans and Urban Design: The office integrates two-dimensional strategic spatial plans with three-dimensional modelling and visualisations at the urban design scale. This approach facilitates the communication of exploratory scenarios to experts and the public outside the planning and design disciplines, while also enhancing citizen engagement.
Participatory Vision Development: The Vision 2074 Framework Document is developed through a collaborative and inclusive approach, engaging a diverse network of stakeholders, including citizens, experts, and local government entities. This process is supported by the Izmir Active Citizenship Office and integrates citizen science practices to ensure broad-based participation.
Guidance for Urban Development: The Vision 2074 Framework Document guides Izmir's five-year strategic plans and the 1/25,000 scale Izmir Master Plan and Revision (2024-2054).
Interdisciplinary Partnerships: The office engages in joint initiatives and scenario-based competitions in collaboration with other IZPA offices and external stakeholders, fostering a multidisciplinary approach to urban planning and innovation.
Impact and Vision: Embedding the core principles of sustainability, technological advancement, and active participation, the office continually refines the Vision 2074 Framework through iterative feedback and inclusive processes. This approach positions Izmir as a forward-thinking city in sustainable urban planning, prepared to address future challenges and complex crises.